Enough Said

Healing and change
 come not from constant striving, 
but from full release 
of our brokenness 
and complete abandon
 in seeking Him.
Copyright http://jerrydownsphoto.com


Anonymous said…
Dear Sarah:
The Bill Cunningham Show is working on an episode about the family members of compulsive hoarders to be taped in NYC on Wednesday November 16th. This program will focus on the challenges faced by compulsive hoarders and their families in trying to overcome this mysterious and often misunderstood disorder, as well as the impact of the hoarding on the children/family members who have lived or are living in a cluttered and often chaotic environment.
If you, or someone you know is struggling to overcome compulsive hoarding and you live with a teenager, we would like to hear your story. We understand the sensitivity of the topic, and would discuss options for protecting the identity of the family. We are also looking for adult children of hoarders who we would pay for flights, hotel and meal money and would try and give them help they need.
Please feel free to contact me at the info below and pass on to people you know. Thanks

Felicia Miller-Stehr
Senior Producer
The Bill Cunningham Show
(o) 212-419-7429
(c) 646-853-0549

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