If you are in the Rhode Island or Southeastern Massachusetts area and dealing with a hoarding parent, or perhaps you are struggling yourself, I want to recommend NJ Despres Enterprises.

I've never met Nicole, but I know that she and her team have a passion for helping those who are overwhelmed by their stuff. This is not a quick, two-day clean out like those featured on "Hoarders", because honestly, most situations do not preclude that kind of handling. The ones that do...well, you've seen those on TV (like my mom's house).

[I want to mention that Nicole has been a part of an episode of "Hoarding:Buried Alive" case you're wondering about credibility...]

But the reality is that MOST of those who are affected by cluttering/hoarding are not at that point. Because of shows like "Hoarders" and "Hoarding: Buried Alive" families and individuals have become aware of what is going on in their lives and the lives of their loved ones.

Believe it or not, I still get emails from people who didn't know that anyone else lived like this!

But back to topic...
If you are in RI or SE Massachusetts and need help, please contact NJ Despres Enterprises. I am confident that their team can help while respecting and honoring each person involved. And in the mean time..check out their blog!


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