A Memorial

Isaiah 46:4

I have loved to read and write from the time I was very young, reading even before kindergarten. I suppose reading and writing were escapes from a childhood experience that was at times, less than ideal. Writing gave me a voice when I could not find my own. Writing gave me power in a world that made me feel powerless.

This weekend, as I was moving some stuff from storage into our new bedroom, I stumbled upon some writings from my tween and teen years. These are smaller memorials to my mindset and coping during that period of my life. Some of it embarrasses me, most of it I just find humorous. But all of it reminds me of what I have overcome.

Let me correct that last statement.

But all of it reminds me of what God has carried me through!

During my little ones' naptime today, I was taking a journey back through my blog entries here in the last 18 months. I believed for so long that I was writing these to help and encourage others, but today....today I see that these entries are memorials of the path of healing that God has taken me on. They are points to stop, ponder, and let out a sigh of relief knowing that at the time I thought I couldn't make it. But today? Today I am able to look back at the good that has come from each stumble, trip, and fall; from each scar and wounding.

I can look back and wonder at the bravery I must have been showered with from above to face and deal with these events and feelings. I must be a stronger, more beautiful woman than I believe!

And that, that is a memorial worth pondering.

I hope today that you have found a way to chronicle your struggles, a Father who will be stronger than you at every turn, and the ability to look back at the YOU it has shaped.

What will be your memorial?


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