ANNOUNCEMENT: Children of Hoarders Support Group starting in Phoenix/Tempe area

Just thought I would share this info as I know that some of my readers just might be in the right geographical area to have interest:

The purpose of the Children of Hoarders Support Group is to offer a safe environment where persons who have been negatively affected by the compulsive hoarding behaviors of their parent or other loved one can receive understanding and be heard without judgment. Further, the educational aspect of the group will furnish members the opportunity to gain knowledge and learn skills to begin their own personal journey of healing.

Thanks for checking us out! We now have a meeting place in Tempe. We will meet for 6 consecutive Thursdays starting March 18th. The dates would be March 18 & 25, April 1, 8, 15, & 22. IN ORDER TO GET THE HIGHEST BENEFIT FROM THIS EXPERIENCE; PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND ALL 6 MEETINGS AS THE MATERIAL BUILDS EACH WEEK.

What we DO:
1. Learn and practice communication methods that support us in getting our needs met, especially in our relationship with the hoarder in our life.
2. Build intimacy with the group by sharing our experience/feelings of growing up with a hoarder.

What we DON'T do:
1. Try to "fix" hoarders or try to control our parent's hoarding behavior.
2. Attempt to convince hoarders that the way they have chosen to live is wrong.

******IMPORTANT NOTE:******
This group is ***NOT*** for people who ARE COMPULSIVE HOARDERS!
This group is for those people who have been negatively affected by hoarding.

Please check the link below and RSVP to meetup if you are interested in joining:

I hope to start a group in the Eastern Washington area and am excited to hear how this group does. Best luck to C*** who has put in lots of time planning and preparing for this group!


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