Love Came Down at Christmas

Ahhh...Christmas morning. It's finally here! Every child has been counting down the days and hours for longer than most of adults realize. I actually have a child who begins counting on her birthday, the 25th of July.

And for me, the emergence of Christmas morning marks the begin of a slower pace again. It is about taking a moment to stop and reflect. It's 8am here, but both the baby and my DH are still sound asleep. It's a moment for me to relish what Christmas is really.

In this still, quiet moment, I ponder the story of Jesus' advent and birth, his childhood, and his ministry. I think of Mary. I can really relate to her as a mother. And I think how excited she must have been when her little babe was born! We don't know how her labor was--long and tiresome, easy and relatively painless? I imagine it was the latter, I mean...God the Father was her midwife and the Holy Spirit her doula! How amazing that must have been.

And then I wonder if it didn't also trouble her some. Her baby was God's only begotten Son. He would be mocked, condemned to die as a criminal while true criminals were let to wander the story. Oh, and of course there was still the controversy over her pregnancy!

But even as Mary was faced with the angel Gabriel, she did exactly what she was asked to.

"I am the Lord's servant," Mary answered. "May it be to me as you have said." Then the angel left her. --Luke 1:38 NIV

What if Mary had not agreed? I believe that God would have found a girl who was willing anyway. We should not be fooled. When God knocks on our door and asks us to serve the Kingdom, if we refuse, God's plan will not be thwarted! God would have found another girl to carry His precious Son into the world. He loved us too much to let that happen.

But here is a lesson for all of us, especially for me. If God comes calling, and if we truly love Him and want to worship and serve Him, we must be open to His call, even if it is not what we would have planned. You have no idea how true this is in my own life right now. An opportunity continues to be prophesied to me, and instead of echoing Mary's response, "May it be to me as you have said," I come up with excuses. I haven't said no, I've just simply questioned God's plan.

Silly, silly girl that I am!

My prayer for you today, beautiful women, is to see your potential. It's too easy to see the reasons God can't, won't, shouldn't use you. I challenge you to see how, why, when and where He is trying to use you right now. And then...I challenge you to respond, "May it be to me as you have said."

Because just perhaps, we wouldn't be celebrating today if it weren't for beautiful women of God like you and me out there willing to answer the call!

Fortunately, Love Came Down at Christmas anyways!

Father, today I see just how prideful and errant my thoughts can be. And as we celebrate Christmas, a day of memoriam for the precious gift you sent us, I realize that we are all given opportunities like the one you gave Mary--to serve, although it may be uncomfortable and scary. Help me rest in you and your love and to trust that Your plan is ALWAYS for my best. In the babe, Jesus' name, AMEN.


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